Saturday, May 28, 2011

School's Almost Out!!!

I can't believe it! Only a mere 8 days of school left! I'll be a 7th grader. It's hard to believe that I'll be a 7th grader already, but it's about time that I move up a level on the totem pole. Finally people might start growing at least close to my height. By the way I am 5'7" now and still growing :)! I need a vacation! I get to go to Wild Rose in 28 days (yep I'm counting the days) :]!

Someone Say Hallelujah!

So, my English project was due on May 20, and I was in english and freaking out because I kept thinking I forgot something. Sometimes you're just nervous and you keep thinking you forgot something when you really haven't. I thought that was the case, but when I was fingering through my project, I realized that I hadn't numbered my pages, and there was 5 minutes of class left. I didn't know what to do, but then my friend got out her pencil case and she had an expo marker, and I started numbering my pages as fast as I could. By the time I finished, there was 3 minutes of class left, and I looked at my table of contents, then I realized I had numbered my pages wrong. I quickly numbered all my pages again and then again realized that according to my table of contents, my pages were still all wrong! The bell rang as soon as I correctly numbered the last page. I was finally done! Hallelujah!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

English (ugh!)

Well, I needed a break from my english project so i decided to write about my horrible, dreadful english project since i have nothing going on in my life except doing my english project. If I wrote about my exciting currant life it would go something like this: Monday: Went to school, came home, did my english project, took a break from my english project in which i practiced my instruments, did my english project again. Tuesday: Pretty much the same thing as Monday, and so on. My english project is a biography thing in which we had to pick five genres and we have to do a research paper along with all this side crap ( pardon my mild language ) like these rational cards that you have to do and say why you chose the genre to represent your person. My person that I picked was Abraham Lincoln. Anyways, I am like super tired and i am going to go to bed.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

My Blog\Journal Continued

Hi! The URL for my cooking blog is actually

My Blog\Journal

Hey everybody! Like Briggy, I created a blog. I am pretty excited too! I decided to make one because my aunt kimmy was talking about blogging and how a family blog is kind of like a journal, and I thought well maybe I should make a blog since i rarely right in my actual journal. So anyway, that is the story of how this blog was born. Oh yeah! I almost forgot; if you want to check out my cooking blog you can. It is pretty boring considering the fact i haven't posted anything yet..... :) Anyways, the URL is

P.S. For Shalae:
Hi! Just a warning, I will probably be needing your help soon because you are like my family
blogging idol and the master blogger :)

P.S. For Kimmy:
Hello! I will be probably needing your help for my cooking blog to because you are my cooking blog idol. :)